Adam Swift

Topsfield Town Library Brings Art To The Outdoors

TOPSFIELD -- The Topsfield Town Library hosts an impressive art collection within its walls, and recently, the library has expanded its commitment to public art with a temporary outdoor sculpture. Last week, the library installed a painted aluminum sculpture titled...

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Hamilton residents envision the future

Hamilton is the almost perfect picture book example of a small New England town. To keep it that way, and to balance growth with protection of its abundant natural resources, takes work -- and that’s what residents are being asked to do as the town undertakes an...

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Music runs deep for Byfield studio owner

Seated behind the controls in his Byfield recording studio, EJ Ouellette will tell you he’s an entrepreneur. But make no mistake about it, as he turns up the volume on his latest collaboration with Tomika Dixon (granddaughter of Ouellette’s hero, blues legend Willie...

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