Buses in Groveland, MeVA and COA Rides

by Mike Dempsey Groveland Community News GROVELAND – Good means of transportation is an important issue for everyone. In a semi- rural suburb like Groveland, it seems we either drive everywhere, walk or use a bike to get around. However, there is another alternative,...

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Proposed FY26 ‘Local Aid’ to Cities/Towns

City and town finance managers and finance committees got their first look at anticipated state funding for next year's budgets, when the Massachusetts’s governor recently unveiled her budget proposal for FY26. The currently proposed state spending of approximately...

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Groveland’s Johnson Creek Dam Slated for Removal

GROVELAND – You'ver probably never noticed what appears as a mere culvert under a road, but the "Johnson Creek Dam" located off Salem Street is slated for removal as part of a long list of state-wide dams deemed inconsequential and/or not being used for their orginal...

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SALISBURY Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack

Wednesday, February 12, 7:30 PM Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Road, Salisbury, Mass. This month's meeting will feature two brief talks by Roundtable members. "How Joshua Chamberlain Faced Down an Insurrection at the Maine State Capitol in 1880" and "The Role of...

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Priced Right Junk Removal

Priced Right Junk Removal

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