Knitting & Crocheting Group

Rowley — Enjoy knitting and crocheting at the Rowley Library! Drop in to our large meeting room for the entire time or whenever you can. All levels are welcome, beginner to expert – we will all help each other. Watch the calendar for future dates! If you would like to...

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Awesome Toy Fair

Rowley — At Todd's Riverview Todd Farm. 275 Main Street, Rowley. Featuring Boston Toys Collectors Club. Now in it's 25th year. Saturday - August 20, 2022: 9am - 3 pm. No early Birds. Vendor's Reservations. 978-948-2217

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Veteran-focused Cannabis Shop Opens on Rte. 1

ROWLEY – Route One’s third recreational cannabis shop will celebrate its grand opening Saturday with a party that features live music, celebrities and free food.  The Joint Operations Rowley Dispensary, which joins two other recreational cannabis shops within a mile...

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Virtual Job Search Series: Mondays at 2 pm at Rowley Library

ROWLEY — This is an online speaker series open to anyone unemployed, underemployed, looking to change careers, or just interested in the topic. There will be opportunities to ask questions of the speakers and for audience interaction.  August 15, 2-3:30pm: Get Ready...

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Awesome Toy Fair

Rowley — At Todd's Riverview Todd Farm. 275 Main Street, Rowley. Featuring Boston Toys Collectors Club. Now in it's 25th year. Saturday - August 20, 2022: 9am - 3 pm. No early Birds. Vendor's Reservations. 978-948-2217

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Rowley Council on Aging August Happenings

ROWLEY — COA Luncheon Mondays at noon at the COA Enhanced Fitness Class Mondays (at the YMCA), Wednesdays, and Fridays at the Rowley Congregational Church 1:00-2:00 pm Fitness and Balance Class Mondays and Thursdays 9:30-10:30 am at the Congregational Church Corn Hole...

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Rowley Library Summer Music Series: Charley Carrozo

Rowley — Bring a blanket or chair and join us on the Rowley Library lawn tonite Wednesday, July 20, starting at 7PM. Cool treats will be provided- all ages welcome! Part of our Summer Music Series. Charley Carrozo is a well-known musician in Greater Boston. Tonight he...

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