Mike Wilson Runs Toward Iowa

Wednesday June 30, 2021

Photo by Mike Wilson

NEBRASKA-IOWA BORDER – Mike Wilson this week ran beyond satellite coverage. In eastern Nebraska, headed for Iowa, the personal trainer running across America to raise money for his two favorite charities, was beyond the range of cell towers.

The Town Common will catch up with him in coming days and update all his fans on his progress across the country.

Mike is running across America from Oregon to the Merrimack waterfront to raise money for two organizations, Lucy’s Love Bus in Amesbury and MaxLove Project in California, that help people cope with cancer.

Last week, when we caught up with Mike, he was running and pushing his stroller on the Lincoln Highway, U.S. Highway 30, the first coast-to-coast highway in the country. Mike said that running on this historic highway, which parallels Interstate 80, “is so cool,” because there are so many interesting sites along the highway. He stops to read the historic plaques and visit historic sites, which entertains him and gives his legs a brief rest.

He has been battling heat as he runs 40 miles per day. “I am really getting drained,” he said.

He expects to arrive on the Merrimack River waterfront in mid-August.

To support Mike’s efforts raising money, Planet Fitness donated 600 “awesome” t-shirts to help raise $12,000 to fight childhood cancer. “Buy yours today and wear it proudly knowing that every penny of your purchase will go to Lucy’s Love Bus and MaxLove Project!” Lucy’s LoveBus wrote.

The shirts can be purchased for $20 by visiting: lucyslovebus.org/mikesrun.

The MaxLove Project is a California-based program like Lucy’s Love Bus.

Pick up The Town Common or follow him on the web site each week to track Mike’s progress across America.

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