
Senator Tarr’s Statement on Budget Cuts

Senator Tarr’s Statement on Budget Cuts REGIONAL - Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) released the following statement today regarding the Governor’s mid-year budget cuts for Fiscal Year 2024: “The significant budget cuts announced today by Governor...

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Letter to the Editor – Dec. 20th, 2023

It’s not very often that I decide to send a letter to an editor to discuss the state of the country. However, in Georgetown there’s a coffee shop where several friends of mine, both men and women, meet for coffee in the morning to scratch a few lottery tickets, talk...

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Letter to the Editor: Medicare Open Enrollment

To the Editor: I belong to PNHP (Physicians for a National Health Program) This is a national group advocating for universal health coverage in the United States. As a retired physician who has worked in both rural and urban areas with widespread poverty, I fully...

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