Letter to the Editor – Dec. 20th, 2023

Tuesday December 19, 2023

It’s not very often that I decide to send a letter to an editor to discuss the state of the country. However, in Georgetown there’s a coffee shop where several friends of mine, both men and women, meet for coffee in the morning to scratch a few lottery tickets, talk about politics and life in general. Not necessarily Democrats or Republicans, just Americans. We discuss the border problem, high fuel and food cost along with the billions Biden is spending on the influx of housing for immigrants, when American Veterans are sleeping in the streets. Billions of dollars towards wars in other countries when our social security system and elderly programs are failing. I am a disabled combat veteran who must plead with our government for certain services for protecting our country when immigrants are receiving those same services for illegally coming across our border.
I am not here to complain, I am talking for our group who would like to mention to all of our citizens to wake up if you haven’t noticed what is taking place in the last 3 years of this Presidency. The government is failing its people. We need change and fast. Democrats or Republicans, it makes not different, help is needed. Now President Trump was no saint. We all know that. We all could see that he did and said many stupid things, however, there’s one thing he did do, and that was to protect the interest of the American people. The economy was thriving , fuel and food was plentiful and affordable . He finally made other countries pay their own way and protected American interest.
We’re not jumping on the Trump bandwagon. We’re talking about our country’s problems. Whether it’s Democrats or Republicans, who cares? We need to stop the arguing in the White House and get the job done. As a reporter recently said, the biggest retirement home in the country is our Congress.
I ask your readers, have a sip of coffee and think. What is it going to take to restart our country? To place it back on track after 4 years of failing to stop damaging our borders, our fuel supplies, food supplies and billion dollar war spending. Let’s start helping Americans and America.
God Bless America and the American People.
Domenic Russo, Georgetown, MA

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