You are hereby notified that a Public Hearing will be held by Zoom videoconference on October 17, 2024 at 7:00 or such other time when posted to consider the Request for Determination of Applicability by Christopher O’Neill for the property located at: 38 Brookview Road, Boxford: Map 27, Block 2, Lot 22, to remove and existing deck and stairs, install four new footings, and replace deck in same footprint and adding stairs within 100-feet of Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
The Zoom videoconference information will be posted on the Town website in advance of the meeting. This is a joint meeting under the requirements of MGL Ch. 131, Sect. 40, as amended, and Boxford’s Wetlands Protection Bylaw and Regulations. To view application materials, call (978) 887-6000, ext. 506.
For the Commission,
Ross Povenmire, Conservation Director 10/9