
The Oral-Systemic Link 2/3

If you missed Part 1 of this series, you can find it at I ended last week with a statement that I have used numerous times before – just because it doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. We keep learning more and more about the link...

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The Oral-Systemic Link 1/3

The connection between oral health and systemic health is well-established and ever-evolving. One thing we know for certain; we are living longer, but with more chronic diseases and medication than ever before.  The latest statistics are alarming. Forty-seven percent...

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Don’t Waste Benefits

October is here!! This means only 3 months left in 2021. It’s crunch time to get everything done that we haven’t gotten done during the rest of the year. For those with remaining dental benefits, it’s also the time of year to consider utilizing those so you don’t lose...

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What Do YOU Want?

Gravity is precise in nature, governed by laws and formulas; it does not respond to individual circumstances or objectives. It’s easy because it always works. Clinical dentistry, on the other hand, is science for sure, but an inexact science at best. Inexact science...

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Back-To-School Quiz

We are all hoping for a productive and enjoyable school year for students of all ages. Here’s a quiz to help get those learning juices flowing. Good luck! Question #1: The risk factors for gum disease are the same as for heart disease (genetics, smoking, weight, lack...

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The Mouth Is The Gateway

You may have heard the phrase “the mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body.” The mouth is connected to the rest of the body, and the only healthcare providers who spend time examining this area are your dental team. The days of the dentist being just the “tooth...

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How Often Should You Go?

Despite the generalized notion that people should visit a dentist bi-annually, I am more a proponent of individualized frequency recommendations based on a few factors. We are not all the same; therefore, each of us has our own specific needs. Results from a recent...

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Not so Fast

This is the story about a woman I met recently named “Carol”. Carol’s story is the reason I do what I do every day and brings me back the next day. The interesting thing is that it has absolutely nothing to do with performing the actual physical work of dentistry....

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Your Personal Life Saver

You’ve heard it before – three in four adults over 35 have some form of gum disease. A preponderance of clinical research reveals that gum disease poses a far greater threat to health than just losing a tooth. Periodontal disease may actually increase your risk for a...

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Do You Understand Your Benefits?

I think it is safe to say that our healthcare system has some flaws. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a healthcare system that realized that everything in the body is connected? Unfortunately, there are no reasonable solutions for this in the near future. Therefore, it is...

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