Fighting Climate Change Locally

REGIONAL – If climate change and new weather patterns were not already top of mine, the city of Newburyport plans to make sure residents of all ages on the North Shore are aware of ways they can help reduce the impact of rising seas, hurricanes and storms. With almost...

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‘No Place to Park’

NEWBURYPORT – “Less park, more parking” was the refrain Mary Jo Haley, the city’s parking enforcement supervisor, heard repeatedly last week from frustrated employees and potential customers of downtown businesses. “There is no place to park,” she told the city’s...

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Complete Healthcare, an Invitation

Many call them alternatives to medical care. I think of them as complementary, which means healthcare services you use in addition to seeing your doctor. That is, I’m glad when my pain patients have seen their doctor to rule out conditions I can’t treat, and I refer...

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Trash Pickup Going Automated

REGIONAL – The future of trash pickup can be seen in Amesbury and a few other municipalities as the city last week rolled out the first brown trash carts that are picked up by trucks with only a driver. “Only trash in the new G. Mello brown carts will be collected;...

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