Ongoing Book Sale To Benefit Merrimac Public Library

MERRIMAC – The Friends of the Merrimac Public Library, a non profit that encourages public use and enjoyment of library services, has established an ongoing book sale in the library. Donations from the sale will assist in fulfilling bequests for the library...

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Dean’s list honors announced at Tufts University

MEDFORD - Tufts University recently announced the dean's list for the Fall 2021 semester. Dean's list honors at Tufts University require a semester grade point average of 3.4 or greater.  Local Students who earned a spot on the list are: Will Baise of Ipswich, Class...

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SNHU Announces Fall President’s List

MANCHESTER, NH -  Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following local students on being named to the Fall 2021 President's List. Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above are named to the...

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Merrimac Public Library presents The Politics of Tea

The Merrimac Public Library presents The Politics of Tea: The East India Company and British Tea Culture via Zoom on Wednesday January 19 at 7pm.  Anglophile and former UK resident, Claire Evans is back with a follow up to her Great British Baking Tour virtual...

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Area students make Stonehill College Dean’s List

EASTON - To qualify for the Dean's List, students must have a semester grade point average of 3.50 or better and must have completed successfully all courses for which they were registered. The following students earned a spot on the list. Cailey Bitto of Boxford...

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