Whittier Could Have Allowed City-Town Voting

REGIONAL – Whittier Regional Vocational High School could have allowed each of its 11 cities and towns under state law to decide individually how to fund its share of the $264 million price tag for a new building. Rowley SelectBoard chair Cliff Pierce and other town...

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Fight To Rebuild Ipswich & Triton School Buildings

REGIONAL – The superintendents of Ipswich and Triton schools were disappointed that the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) did not invite their districts this year to apply for funding to rebuild their deteriorating school buildings. Both Ipswich’s Dr....

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Whittier Building Vote Set for January

REGIONAL – Town leaders across the North Shore can only hope a blizzard hits Haverhill but not any of the coastal towns on Jan. 23, keeping Haverhill’s residents from voting in the multi-town election to approve a nearly half-billion-dollar new building for the...

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New Whittier Building Hits a Buzz Saw

REGIONAL – Whittier Tech Supt. Maureen Lynch last week ran into a wall with fewer cracks than her school has as she tried to persuade town and city officials in the Whittier District to support the proposed $440 million new school building. “We have to do something,”...

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Complete Healthcare, an Invitation

Many call them alternatives to medical care. I think of them as complementary, which means healthcare services you use in addition to seeing your doctor. That is, I’m glad when my pain patients have seen their doctor to rule out conditions I can’t treat, and I refer...

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