Whittier Tech Leadership Meets With Municipal Officials About School Building Needs HAVERHILL — Superintendent Maureen Lynch reports that mayors and municipal leaders from Whittier Tech’s sending communities shared their thoughts and suggestions on Tuesday morning...
Letter to the Editor – Rowley Board of Selectmen on the Whittier Regional Vocational Technical Building Project
Letter to the Editor - Rowley Board of Selectmen on the Whittier Regional Vocational Technical Building Project - On December 13, 2023, the unelected members of the Whittier District School Committee voted to hold a “district-wide” election on their $444.6 million...
Whittier Could Have Allowed City-Town Voting
REGIONAL – Whittier Regional Vocational High School could have allowed each of its 11 cities and towns under state law to decide individually how to fund its share of the $264 million price tag for a new building. Rowley SelectBoard chair Cliff Pierce and other town...
New Whittier Building Hits a Buzz Saw
REGIONAL – Whittier Tech Supt. Maureen Lynch last week ran into a wall with fewer cracks than her school has as she tried to persuade town and city officials in the Whittier District to support the proposed $440 million new school building. “We have to do something,”...
Battle Brewing Over New Whittier Building
REGIONAL – A battle that may pit the residents of Haverhill against 10 other North Shore cities and towns is erupting over who will pay for the proposed new building for the Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School. Whittier Supt. Maureen Lynch is making the...
Whittier Tech Welcomes District Residents to Attend Building Project Information Sessions
REGIONAL – Whittier Tech invites residents in its 11 sending community to learn more about the proposed Whittier Tech Building Project during public information sessions planned in the coming months. Whittier Tech is pursuing construction of a new building to best...
Students To Learn ‘In the Shay Way’
AMESBURY — In a “just in case letter,” Amesbury High School graduate Sgt. Jordan Shay asked that his family and friends to create a scholarship fund for students who “want to make a difference in the world.” After his battlefield death 30 miles north of Baghdad during...
Complete Healthcare, an Invitation
Many call them alternatives to medical care. I think of them as complementary, which means healthcare services you use in addition to seeing your doctor. That is, I’m glad when my pain patients have seen their doctor to rule out conditions I can’t treat, and I refer...
Trash Pickup Going Automated
REGIONAL – The future of trash pickup can be seen in Amesbury and a few other municipalities as the city last week rolled out the first brown trash carts that are picked up by trucks with only a driver. “Only trash in the new G. Mello brown carts will be collected;...
FlingGolf To Hold New England Classic
AMESBURY – Watch some of the nation’s best FlingGolf players compete on ESPN next week and become a flinger yourself in September at the New England FlingGolf classic held at the Amesbury Country Club and the Apple Hill Golf Club in East Kingston, NH. ESPN2 will...