Ipswich Public Health Department Reminds Residents About Confidential Syringe Service

Tuesday July 23, 2024

IPSWICH – Town Manager Stephen Crane and Director of Public Health Colleen Fermon wish to remind residents of Ipswich’s confidential syringe service program.

Cape Ann communities have seen an uptick in overdoses and incidents of substance misuse recently. In light of these incidents, it is important for residents to familiarize themselves with available resources.

Research shows that comprehensive syringe service programs are safe, effective, and cost saving, do not increase illegal drug use or crime, and play an important role in reducing the transmission of viral hepatitis, HIV, and other infections.

The syringe service program is provided to Ipswich through the North Shore Health Project and its One Stop program, supported by the state Department of Public Health. Ipswich has benefitted from the program since August 2022.

One Stop provides free, confidential, low-threshold overdose prevention and harm reduction services to people who use drugs and their loved ones. Residents are provided with free harm reduction services such as access to sterile needles, overdose prevention education and support, Narcan, testing strips and access to testing for sexually transmitted diseases.

Those interested in disposing of lancets, needles, and syringes may do so by contacting One Stop or at the kiosk in the lower level of Town Hall, outside of the Council on Aging cafeteria near the kiosk for disposal of unwanted and unneeded medications.

Sharp objects cannot be placed directly into the kiosk. Small containers that fit through the kiosk’s door are available at Town Hall.

Individuals and businesses may call or text One Stop at 978-515-0455 for Narcan training, Narcan, Fentanyl test strips, and other services. All services are confidential.

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