Notice is hereby provided that the Town of Georgetown Planning Board will conduct a public hearing pursuant to M.G.L. c.40A, Sec. 5, on proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw §165-104 Age and occupancy restriction as well as §165-112 Number of dwelling units per development. The purpose of the hearing is to consider public comments regarding a Warrant Article proposed by the Georgetown Planning Board. These proposed changes will remove a discrepancy in the bylaws and help increase the Town’s Subsidized Housing Index.
The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, 26 MARCH 2025 at 7:15 p.m. This hearing will be held virtually via Zoom, at which time all interested persons may appear and be heard in relation thereto. The link to the Zoom meeting will be available on the Planning Board’s agenda which can be found on the Town’s Calendar of Upcoming Events at 48 hours prior to the Public Hearing. The full text of the proposed amendments and potential map are on file and available for inspection during normal business hours at Town Hall in the Planning Office, 1 Library Street, Georgetown, MA and can be viewed online at:
The above-cited remote meeting connection information will be included on the 26 MARCH 2025 Planning Board meeting agenda, which will be posted on the Town of Georgetown website no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting. Further, the meeting will be broadcast live on the Georgetown Local Access Cable TV Channel 9. Video recordings of this meeting, and all Georgetown Planning Board meetings may be found at by choosing the Community TV option.
Meeting ID: 868 7328 4557 Passcode: 390837
For more information about these Public Hearings or if you were unable to attend the hearing and would like to communicate your concerns or questions about this application, please send an eMail to the Town Planner at Written correspondence received before noon on the day of the hearing will be accepted and read into the record.
Frank O’Connor, Jr.
Planner for Town of Georgetown 3/12, 3/19