Georgetown Planning Board
The Georgetown Planning Board will hold two public hearings on April 24, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. to hear requests to modify the Town’s Zoning Bylaw Chapter 165.
The first is to amend the Town’s Zoning Bylaw, Article XIII: Special Permits and Site Plan Review, Section 165-75.
The second is to amend the Town Bylaws, Chapter 165-7: Definitions and word usage, to add a new subsection to allow Reduced Frontage on Residential Lots
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To amend the Use and Intensity Schedules, Section 165-11, Attachment 3, Intensity of Use Schedule.
Interested persons are invited to participate in the above-cited public hearing, via computer, tablet, smartphone by connecting to the following Zoom Meeting link:
The above-cited remote meeting connection information will be included on the April 24, 2024 meeting agenda, which will be posted on the Town of Georgetown website no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting. Further, the meeting will be broadcast live on the Georgetown Local Access Cable TV Channel 9. Video recordings of this meeting, and all Georgetown Planning Board meetings may be found at, by choosing Cable TV option.
Full and complete copies of the above-cited proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendments can be viewed on the Town’s website. Any person interested in being heard at this hearing should login remotely at the time and place cited above. Please note, written correspondence will be accepted and read into the record of the hearing.
Harry LaCortiglia
Chairman of the Georgetown Planning Board
04/10, 04/17