Notice is hereby given that the Planning Board will hold a public hearing in accordance with §165-73.E., Shared/Common Driveway, of the Georgetown Zoning Bylaws; said Bylaw calls for the Planning Board to conduct a public hearing and decide on whether to approve, amend and approve or deny a Special Permit for the proposed shared/common driveway located at 430 Andover Street, Georgetown, MA, and shown on the Town Assessor’s Map 1 as Lots 1 & 12A. The proposed common driveway will provide access for 1 new dwelling, an existing dwelling and an existing barn.
Interested persons are invited to participate in the above-cited public hearing, via computer, tablet, smartphone or by connecting to the following Zoom Meeting link :
Meeting ID: 825 0135 9197 (no passcode). Interested parties can also participate via telephone by calling 1 (305) 224-1968,
Said public hearing shall be held on 8 March 2023, starting at 7:00 P.M., and be conducted by the Georgetown Planning Board. The aforementioned public hearing information will be included on the 8 March 2023 meeting agenda, which will be posted on the Town of Georgetown website no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting. Further, the meeting will be broadcast live on the Georgetown Local Access Cable TV Channel 9. Video recordings of this meeting, and all Georgetown Planning Board meetings may be found at, by choosing Cable TV option.
Full and complete copies of the above-cited Special Permit application, together with the associated Plan, are available upon request by emailing the Town Planner at or by calling the Planning Office at 978-352-5713. Any person interested in being heard on this application should appear at the time and place designated, herein. Please note, written correspondence will be accepted and read into the record of the hearing. Persons needing special accommodations should contact the Georgetown Planning Department at (978) 352- 5713.
John Cashell
Town Planner for Town of Georgetown 2/22, 3/1

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