In accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, Section 40, as amended, and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a remote public hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:45 pm to consider a Notice of Intent application filed by Deborah Eagan Town Administrator Town of Rowley for proposed demolition of existing bridge and construction of replacement bridge over the Mill River with stream bed restoration possibly within the Mill River, Bank, Bordering Vegetated Wetlands, 100’ Buffer Zone of BVW, Land under Waterbodies and Waterways, Bordering Land Subject to Flooding, the 200’ Riverfront Area, and Fish Runs at Right Of Way Glen Street (Map 21, Parcel ) in Rowley, MA.
Daniel Shinnick, Chairman, Rowley Conservation Commission 04/17