In accordance with the Wetlands protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, Section 40, as amended, and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a remote Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 7:30 PM to consider a Notice of Intent application filed by Gary MacCausland for proposed construction of a patio, associated walkways, repaving of existing driveway and a subsurface stone drainage trench to manage stormwater with restoration of impacted Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (2200 sq. ft.) and 100’ Buffer Zone to BVW at 169 and 175 Glen Street (Map 20, Parcel 17, Lot 6 & 6-1) in Rowley, MA.
Daniel R. Shinnick, Chairman
Rowley Conservation Commission 8/21