In accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, Section 40, as amended, and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a remote public hearing will be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 8:00 pm to consider a Notice of Intent application filed by Melissa Ann & Richard LeBel  for proposed installation of a 12′ x 24′ above ground pool with 2′ deck and “after the fact” installation of a 12′ x 20′ shed and a 20′ x 20′ deck possibly within the 100′ Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetland and 200′ Riverfront Area of the Mill River at 221 Boxford Road (Map 2, Parcel 19 Lot E) in Rowley, MA.

Daniel Shinnick, Chairman

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