
Brighter Smiles: Orofacial Pain

There are many people who suffer with pain involving some area of the head. Toothaches can cause pain, but these are mostly avoidable with proper diet, home care and regular visits to your dentist. Teeth can also play an indirect role in facial/head pain. Orofacial...

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Brighter Smiles: Make It Stick

Happy New Year! So, how does it feel being back at work? Or, if you are retired, does today feel like any other day? For many people, the New Year is time for resolutions. Gym memberships go up and so do sales of healthier food. I don’t know about you, but I have...

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Brighter Smiles: 21 Suggestions for Success in 2024

21 SUGGESTIONS FOR SUCCESS IN 2024 At the end of each of the past 18 years, I have used this space to publish these 21 Suggestions for Success authored by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Cut this out and put it on the refrigerator. Read this list often and take these...

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‘Tis the season to give blood or platelets

‘Tis the season to give blood or platelets Long-sleeved T-shirt for donors through Jan. 5 When blood products are fully stocked on hospital shelves, patients don’t have to wait for critical care. Giving blood or platelets with the American Red Cross in December can...

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Brighter Smiles: Brightening Your Day

In a recent poll, people were asked if they would choose a cosmetic makeover, liposuction, facelift, or teeth whitening if money was no object. 52% of those surveyed said they would choose teeth whitening. While there are many ways to whiten teeth, including...

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Brighter Smiles: Communication is Everything – Part 2

Last week I discussed the importance of communication in any relationship; specifically, the healthcare provider/patient relationship. Trust is mutually built as this relationship develops over time. “There’s not enough time in the day.” Have you ever used this...

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Brighter Smiles: Communication is Everything – Part 1

Patients see things differently than dentists. Often, what is important to dentists is not important to patients and vice versa. This seems like the hysterical discovery of the obvious, but dentists often have a blind spot when it comes to seeing things from a...

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Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! While we may be giving thanks for the many blessings in our lives, we also often need to battle the stressors. This time of year always seems more stressful, but stress in general is hard to avoid. We...

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Brighter Smiles: The Final Push!

November is almost over! It’s crunch time to get everything done that we haven’t gotten done during the rest of the year. For those with remaining dental benefits, it’s also the time of year to consider utilizing those so you don’t lose them. Unused dental benefits go...

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Brighter Smiles: Replacement Parts

It seems I have more and more patients telling me about their upcoming shoulder, hip, and knee replacement surgery. There are other parts that people have replaced, but those are the top three. Most of these people decide to go under the knife to improve their quality...

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