

You’ve heard it before – three in four adults over 35 have some form of gum disease. A preponderance of clinical research reveals that gum disease poses a far greater threat to health than just losing a tooth. Periodontal disease may actually increase your risk for a...

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By J. Peter St. Clair, DMD   The word is out – taking care of your oral health is better for your whole body, including your mind. However, statistics still indicate only about half of the population goes on a regular basis. For those that do go, most patients...

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Brighter Smiles: Health Requires Accountability

Dental hygienists love it when they make suggestions to patients about home care and their dreams are answered when the patient returns 6 months later with noticeable improvement. It might be as simple as adding a good electric toothbrush or waterpik to the patient’s...

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Brighter Smiles: What is Right… for You

Let’s use this hypothetical situation: You have not been to dentist in a while (pick a time frame), you are well aware you need some dental work, you were given the recommendation of a dentist by a friend…..and, you decide to visit that dentist and four other dentists...

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Brighter Smiles: Floss First or Brush First?

I have had a few patients ask recently about the order of oral hygiene activities. Does it matter if you brush or floss first, and should this be done before or after breakfast? Based on available research, it seems opinion matters as much as scientific facts. A...

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Brighter Smiles: Does Snoring Keep You Awake?

It is not uncommon for me to get a strange look when I ask a patient about snoring in the dental office. After an explanation about some of the reasons I include this on my medical history form, the patient will often say, “Well, I don’t snore but my spouse (usually...

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Market Street Baptist Grief Care Breakfast June 1st

Market Street Baptist Grief Care Breakfast June 1st Amesbury – Grief Care Breakfast is for those dealing with death of a loved one and will be held on Saturday, June 1 from 9:30 – 11:00 am hosted by the Market Street Baptist Church, 37 Market Street, Amesbury. The...

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Brighter Smiles: Dentistry in the News – Part 2

Last week I discussed some of the content that was presented in a recent U.S. News & World Report which featured seven pages of information on dentistry. This is a continuation of that. One of the columns in this section of the report entitled, “Guarding Kids’ First...

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