Rowley Council on Aging November Happenings

ROWLEY — COA Luncheon Mondays at noon at the COA Enhanced Fitness Class Mondays at the YMCA in Ipswich, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the Rowley Congregational Church 1:00-2:00 pm Fitness and Balance Class Mondays and Thursdays 9:30-10:30 am at the Congregational Church...

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Don’t Throw That Mattress Away

Rowley, Newburyport — That old mattress can’t go out to the curb for regular trash pickup any longer. Neither can your old clothes. A new state law, beginning Nov. 1, require that mattresses and textiles be kept out of the trash. They must be recycled or donated for...

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Rowley Library Born To Be Hanged

ROWLEY — Join us at the library on Thursday, November 3 at 6:30pm to talk about Born to Be Hanged: The Epic Story of the Gentlemen Pirates Who Raided the South Seas, Rescued a Princess, and Stole a Fortune by Keith Thomson. The year is 1680, the Golden Age of Piracy,...

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Szczechowicz Landscape Services Fights Burning Bush Invasion

ROWLEY — Szczechowicz Landscape Services (SLS Outdoor Living) employees volunteered recently to remove the invasive plant, Burning Bush, from the trails at Dodge Reservation off Wethersfield Road. Working with town Conservation Agent Brent Baeslack, the team cut back...

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Rowley Doggie Day Care Charged

ROWLEY — The Hydrant Regency doggie day care here said it offered a 5,000 square foot outdoor enclosed play area so the dogs boarded there could run and play all day.  “If your dog likes to wrestle and play, plow through snow drifts, hang out with humans, fetch ball,...

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Rowley Adult Summer Reading Winners

ROWLEY — Congratulations to our Rowley Adult Summer Reading winners! Congratulations to Tammy D., Elaine S., Maureen B., Philip C., Emily R., Gale W., Alaina L., and Samantha R. They each won a $20 gift card to a local business of their choice! Prizes sponsored by the...

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The Rowley All-Scout Paper Drive

Rowley — The All-Scout Paper Drive will be held Saturday September 10 2022 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. behind the First Congregational Church of Rowley at 175 Main Street. The Scouts will be collecting newspapers, books, cardboard, and magazines. The Boy Scouts will...

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