1,500 Reusable Bags Donated to Rowley Residents

By the Rowley Plastic Bag Reduction Coalition ROWLEY - To Prepare for the Rowley Plastic Bag Restriction Bylaw on Sept. 8 the Rowley Plastic Bag Reduction Coalition, an ad hoc group of Rowley residents committed to reducing plastic waste, is helping Rowley residents...

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Complete Healthcare, an Invitation

Many call them alternatives to medical care. I think of them as complementary, which means healthcare services you use in addition to seeing your doctor. That is, I’m glad when my pain patients have seen their doctor to rule out conditions I can’t treat, and I refer...

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Solace for Stephanie Fighting Cancer with Comedy

REGIONAL – As Solace for Stephanie will tell you, cancer is no laughing matter, except for one night a year, when the 13-year-old non-profit organization assembles some of the best comics in the area to raise money to help those fighting cancer. Named for Stephanie...

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Bluebird Performance Lands in Rowley

ROWLEY – The Bluebird Performance Venue has found a comfortable nest at the First Congregational Church, bringing this month an eclectic group of musicians playing seldom heard instruments, vocalists and poets for a second concert at the church. “I’ve never met more...

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The Paul Speidel Quartet Featuring Toni Lynn Washington

Summer Music Series: The Paul Speidel Quartet Featuring Toni Lynn Washington Wednesday, July 19, 7PM on the Rowley Library lawn Our Summer Music Series continues! Bring a blanket or chair and enjoy some great music outdoors. Free frozen treats will be provided. Family...

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Summer Music Series on the Rowley Library Lawn

Summer Music Series on the Rowley Library Lawn Starting Thursday, July 6, 7PM The Rowley Public Library is excited to present our Summer Music Series: live family-friendly music events through the month of July. Bring a blanket or chair and relax on our beautiful...

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Rowley Theater Group Performs ‘Little Shop’

ROWLEY – The Clark School opened its Theater at the Bell last week for a new community theater with plans to become a major player in the North Shore performing arts world. With a cast of 11, the company is staging the Little Shop of Horrors for its inaugural feature...

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Rowley Elects Three Women to Selectboard

ROWLEY — The Rowley Board of Selectmen was just that - a male dominated bastion that ran the town government. But no longer. For the first time since the town’s was founded in 1639, a majority of seats on the five-member board is held by women, although Deborah Eagan...

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