What’s Happening in Your Town Government?

Periodically we'll post notices of the latest meeting minutes available online through city/town websites, for various boards. This week, we list the selectmen's/selectboard/city council meeting minutes. You'll note that Hampton Falls, NH, is the town with the most...

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Salem Five Creating Holiday Magic for Families in Need

GEORGETOWN – Join Salem Five and The Salvation Army by donating new, unwrapped toys to kids in the community this holiday season from now until the end of the year. Pictured are Aaron, Jalin, Debbie, and Rebecca. Our team at Salem Five Bank in Georgetown is so...

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Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus

Dear Readers of The Town Common,   During the past twenty-one years I have had the privilege to serve my community by creating and operating The Town Common.  We have overcome many obstacles, shared in many wonderful stories, participated in many local events,...

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Tom’s Discount: A Shopping Adventure

SALISBURY – Whether it is a plastic bin, birthday wrapping paper, office supplies or a reflective jacket that keeps you and your dog safe after dark, Tom’s Discount Store is your go-to store. In the 15,000-square-foot store on Rte. 110 with 32,000 different items,...

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Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack Wednesday, November 13, 7:30 PM Hilton Senior Center 43 Lafayette Road, Salisbury, MA This event is free and open to the public. This month the speaker will be Roundtable President John Manning. His topic will be "Vermont Brigades...

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Down Syndrome Congress Honors Tarr

REGIONAL – The Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC) awarded Senator Bruce Tarr, R-Gloucester, the 2024 Legislator of the Year award at its annual BuddyWalk and Family Festival in Wakefield. During Tarr's legislative career, he advocated for individuals with...

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Hampton Church Rummage Sale

The Hampton United Methodist Church, 525 Lafayette Road (Rt. 1), Hampton, will hold its Annual Fall Rummage Sale on Saturday, November 2nd from 8:30am – 2:00pm. There will be seasonal clothing along with toys, books, games, furniture, shoes, small appliances, and...

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