New Whittier Building Hits a Buzz Saw

REGIONAL – Whittier Tech Supt. Maureen Lynch last week ran into a wall with fewer cracks than her school has as she tried to persuade town and city officials in the Whittier District to support the proposed $440 million new school building. “We have to do something,”...

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Battle Brewing Over New Whittier Building

REGIONAL – A battle that may pit the residents of Haverhill against 10 other North Shore cities and towns is erupting over who will pay for the proposed new building for the Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School. Whittier Supt. Maureen Lynch is making the...

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Groveland Resident PumpkinFest

Groveland Resident PumpkinFest GROVELAND - Town Administrator Rebecca Oldham and the Town of Groveland would like to invite residents to this year’s annual PumpkinFest. WHEN: Thurs, Oct. 19, 4:30-8 pm WHERE: Town Hall, 183 Main St. WHAT: The Town of Groveland is...

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Complete Healthcare, an Invitation

Many call them alternatives to medical care. I think of them as complementary, which means healthcare services you use in addition to seeing your doctor. That is, I’m glad when my pain patients have seen their doctor to rule out conditions I can’t treat, and I refer...

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Rubbish to Runway ReFashion Show

GROVELAND - On Friday, June 16 and Saturday, June 17 the Rubbish to Runway ReFashion Show will take to the runway again after three years of online virtual shows. The show, a sell-out event for the past 12 years, will be held at Veasey Memorial Park in Groveland. The...

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