Stewart Lytle

Stewart Lytle is the lead reporter for The Town Common newspaper. Before joining The Town Common, he was a national correspondent for Scripps-Howard Newspapers in Washington, D.C., covering the Pentagon and Congress. He has also written for newspapers in Dallas, TX, and Birmingham, AL.

As a national reporter for the Scripps Howard newspaper chain, Stewart wrote the inside story on military life of soldiers and sailors and their families. He landed on aircraft carriers, experienced oxygen deprivation for high-altitude flight training and crawled through the mud with Marine snipers.

One of his proudest achievements outside of journalism was assisting USAA Chairman Robert McDermott in securing federal legislation that mandated air bags in vehicles.

Stewart is also a novelist and has written non-fiction books. He is currently working on a non-fiction book and screenplay about an incident that occurred in Boston.

His first novel, Iron City Conspiracy, explores power in a city. It features a black newspaper editor solving the bombing of a historic black church in a tough Alabama town.

Following in the footsteps of his idol, Ernest Hemingway, Stewart has completed a new novel about a love affair in the midst of the Spanish Civil War. The book, Montserrat, is based on a true story and has been made into a screenplay that will become an international feature film.

A graduate of Phillips Academy and Princeton University, Stewart lives with his wife, Mary, in Newburyport.

Question 2 Gone: Now What?

REGIONAL – In a decisive win statewide, Massachusetts voters made clear that they do not want high schools to require that their students pass the MCAS standardized test to qualify for graduation. What is now not clear is what replaces the MCAS test. To fill the...

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Are UFOs Real?

AMESBURY – Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), now called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), came to the Costello Senior Center last week. About a dozen senior residents listened enthusiastically to Chris Torres of Salisbury Beach explain how the government and...

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Groveland Handyman Turning Frowns Upside Down

GROVELAND / REGIONAL – Lance Blais, a popular handyman who lives in Groveland, was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago. The Army veteran had a portion of a lung removed and began chemotherapy treatments. At three-week intervals, when he went for his treatment at...

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Ken Gray Honored One Last Time

AMESBURY – Ken Gray, the popular high-tech businessman-turned-mayor of this city, who died last fall, was honored last month with a display of photos at City Hall. The photos are in the lobby wall space, which Gray dedicated as Art@Amesbury. The photos include shots...

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