Arts & Culture

Romance in Publishing: Thoughts on Where It’s Been

Romance in Publishing: Thoughts on Where It’s Been Wednesday, March 27, 7PM - Virtual How is it possible that the romance genre continues to be judged so harshly even though it is a multi-billion dollar industry, often supporting bookstores so they can also sell other...

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Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack March Meeting

Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack March Meeting Wed, March 13 7:30-9:30PM Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Road, Salisbury The month’s speaker will be Chuck Veit who will present a talk on “Natural Genius: The Story of Brutus deVilleroi and the U.S. Navy’s First...

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Knitting Group

Knitting Group Tuesdays from 6-8PM through May 2024 Georgetown Peabody Library, 2 Maple St, Georgetown Come join a group of knitters and bring a project! Those interested in learning to knit are also highly welcomed to attend. Please bring a ball of yarn and...

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Frozen Jr. Coming to the Firehouse

NEWBURYPORT - The Newburyport Arts Collaborative brings to the Firehouse Center for the Arts some of Disney’s most popular characters in Frozen Jr. Over six shows, two different casts of 60 local students will perform the stage adaptation of the Broadway musical March...

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Genealogy Club

Genealogy Club Wednesday, March 13, 5-7PM – In-person Interested in researching your family history? Start with yourself! Join us in the Local History Room for Genealogy Club, where like-minded researchers can make use of the Library’s resources, share ideas, and make...

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Killeeshil Traditional Irish Music

Killeeshil Traditional Irish Music March 10, 2024, 4:00 p.m. at Central Congregational Church, 14 Titcomb St, Newburyport MA. Central Congregational Church is hosting an Irish music concert on Sunday, March 10 at 4:00 p.m., featuring Killeeshil, a traditional Irish...

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Knitting & Crocheting Group

Knitting & Crocheting Group Wednesday, March 13 and Thursday, March 28, 6-8PM – In-person Enjoy knitting and crocheting at the Rowley library! Meet from 6-8pm in our large meeting room. Drop in for the entire time or whenever you can. All levels are welcome, beginner...

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