Meeting Regarding Impact of MBTA 3A on Rowley

Tuesday March 26, 2024

Meeting Regarding Impact of MBTA 3A on Rowley
WHEN: Thursday, March 28 from 7-9PM
WHERE: Grange Hall, 29 Central St., Rowley, MA

If anyone wants to learn more about the MBTA 3A and how it impacts each of us that live in Rowley, there’s an open meeting scheduled for next Thursday 3/28 from 7-9 at the Rowley Grange (Central Street).
Presentations by independent legal counsel and others will provide insight and information on 3A and its guidelines in general and about Rowley’s specific requirements.
An opportunity for open friendly discussions where residents can share their concerns and ask questions will follow the presentations.
Speakers will attempt to answer as many questions as possible.
Please note that if questions pertain to town documents or infrastructure cost, only the town Selectboard and Planning Board can answer. To that end, the Planning Board has added an agenda item to each of their scheduled meetings for public discussion covering the 3A zoning topic.
MBTA 3A affects ALL OF US and will determine the future course of our town for generations to come. Including our ability to control our own laws, how our environment is protected, and essentially our way of life here. So it’s critical that we all are aware of and understand its ramifications for Rowley.
Please let your friends and neighbors know about the 3/28 citizens meeting and come join us.

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