Romance in Publishing: Thoughts on Where It’s Been

Tuesday March 19, 2024

Romance in Publishing: Thoughts on Where It’s Been
Wednesday, March 27, 7PM – Virtual

How is it possible that the romance genre continues to be judged so harshly even though it is a multi-billion dollar industry, often supporting bookstores so they can also sell other genres? Editor and publisher Jennifer McCord discusses her 30 years in the industry, her thoughts on Romancelandia, and her wonderful memories of working with the icons in the industry as well as those who came after.
Registration is required for this webinar. To sign up to watch online, visit the Rowley Public Library web site at You will receive an email with the link to the webinar.
For more information on this or other programs, check our web site at, or call (978) 948-2850. The Rowley Library is located at 141 Main St. in Rowley.

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