Honoring Veterans of All Wars

Wednesday July 03, 2024

NEWBURY   Newbury has erected monuments to veterans of the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and World War II. Now, thanks to Bill DiMaio, the town may soon design and raise funds for a monument dedicated to veterans of past, present and future conflicts.

On the town’s historic Upper and Lower Greens on Rte. 1A, granite monuments list all residents of Newbury who served in the three wars.  The monument was erected originally about 1911.

In a personal letter to the town’s Historical Commission, SelectBoard vice chair DiMaio suggested a universal monument recognizing all veterans’ “historical significance and gratitude.”

It was approved unanimously by the SelectBoard last week. DiMaio proposed it be erected on the Upper Green. The proposed committee should be composed of veterans and non-veterans.

Selectman Dana Packer called DiMaio’s proposal “a great idea, definitely one we should do.”

The West Newbury SelectBoard has been discussing recognizing Cold War veterans. Packer told them they are trying to identify every resident who served and in what war so they can personalize the recognition.


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