Topsfield Movie Night Is Back

Tuesday June 04, 2024

TOPSFIELD – Come to the Topsfield Fair for a Movie Night on Thursday, June 27 at the Arena on the fairgrounds.
Featuring the movie Encanto that tells the story of a Colombian teenage girl that has to face the frustration of being the only member of her family without magical powers.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the movie starts at 6:30 p.m.
The film, popcorn and parking are all provided free. Food trucks will be available on-site for extra snacks.
Even though the event is free, signing up is necessary to make sure everyone can be accommodated and to keep guests informed of any changes or cancellations.
Make sure to bring your own beach chair, seat, or blanket since seating on the bleachers is limited in the Arena. However, there is plenty of space for everyone on the Arena floor as well.
An adult guardian needs to be there, and playing with balls is not permitted in the Arena.
The 206th Topsfield Fair with exhibits, concerts and contests will open at 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 4.
Register at

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