Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack

Tuesday June 04, 2024

Hellmira - book by Maxfield

Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack
This month’s meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 12, from 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Road Salisbury, MA
We will be joined this month by author Derek D. Maxfield who will give a presentation on his book “Hellmira: The Union’s Most Infamous Civil War Prison Camp-Emira, NY.” (Emerging Civil War Series). Elmira was one of the most inhumane prison camps in the North and a sad example of the brutal conditions prisoners on both sides of the conflict endured. The author will have copies of the book available for purchase and signing.
This meeting is free and open to all with an interest in the American Civil War.

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