Ipswich Mills Dam Removal Project Nationally Recognized

Tuesday May 07, 2024

Ipswich Mills Dam Removal Project Nationally Recognized
On April 23, 2024 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced projects in 29 states will receive just over $70 million to support 43 projects that will address outdated or obsolete dams, culverts, levees and other barriers fragmenting the nation’s rivers and streams. The Ipswich
River Watershed Association was awarded $1.2 million to fund the removal of the Ipswich Mills
Dam, one of two projects in Massachusetts to receive funding.
The removal of the Ipswich Mills Dam will restore and improve fish passage and habitat connectivity to approximately 186 miles of upstream mainstem river and tributary habitat, plus 343 acres of spawning habitat. In addition to improved fish passage/habitat, the project will also result in improved water quality, flood reduction, liability removal, and recreational improvements. Elements of the project include dam removal, stabilization and in-stream adjustments, as well as structural mitigation for key infrastructure expected to be impacted by the dam removal. This project will complete three on-going upstream fish passage projects along the Ipswich River by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, and removal of this final head of tide dam will open almost the entire Ipswich watershed.
“The US Fish and Wildlife Service is proud to be a partner in the Ipswich Mills Dam removal project supported by the National Fish Passage Program Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding,” said Cathy Bozek, the National Fish Passage Program Coordinator for the Northeast. “This project will restore and reconnect important habitat for many migratory fish species, build climate resiliency, and boost economic benefits for the surrounding communities.”
The $1.2 million dollars provides implementation funding for the long-planned removal of the
Ipswich Mills Dam, including construction contingencies, ensuring that this project will not require additional funding from town residents. The funding secured with this and previous grants is enough to get the project fully permitted and through the construction and restoration phases once permitting is complete. Funding for the Ipswich Mills Dam removal project has been provided by: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (US FWS), Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration (MA DER), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Massachusetts Environmental Trust, as well as private foundations.
The Ipswich Mills Dam Removal is one part of a larger effort led by the Ipswich River Watershed Association to restore stream and habitat connectivity to streams and rivers across the Ipswich iver Watershed and surrounding communities. Since 2022, the Ipswich River Watershed Association and its project partners have brought $4.6 million federal dollars to infrastructure and restoration projects on the North Shore. In addition to this funding from US FWS, IRWA was also awarded two grants from the NOAA in 2022 and 2023.
About Ipswich River Watershed Association
The Ipswich River Watershed Association is a community-based organization with a big job to do: to protect and restore the Ipswich River to health. Our experienced professional staff works with partner organizations and many dedicated volunteers. We develop solutions to the problems we find and work with state and local officials, businesses and community members to protect the River, forever.

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