Letter to the Editor: The Snow Angel Program

Tuesday February 27, 2024

The Snow Angel Program

Letter to the Editor,

The Snow Angel Program is a program that originated at Triton Schools and involves volunteers shoveling walk ways and cleaning off cars for seniors in need of assistance. Triton Schools Family and Community Coordinator each year reaches out to the Council on Aging in the district to facilitate promoting the program via newsletters and social media. In years past, the program was able to accommodate those seniors who signed up for the program with a volunteer. This year there were more seniors signed up for the program then there were volunteers. On Tuesday, February 13th, a storm at first predicted to potentially produce over a foot of snow, subsequently fizzled into a non-weather event. Not knowing the storm would be a dud, the Rowley COA partnering with other community leaders on Monday, February 12th jumped into action making a final push to recruit Snow Angels volunteers to assist seniors shovel out after the weather event. We are elated to say that this group of fierce hardworking leaders were able to find families to assist all of those Rowley residents signed up for the program. Thank you, thank you to those families who stepped up to volunteer their time and help to their neighbors and community. It cannot go without saying, there is not enough gratitude that can be expressed to the unsung leaders and heroes of our community. The Rowley COA recognizes Sarah Houghton, Nerissa Wallen, Theresa Karol, Jessica Reush, Gillian Beckwith, Christina Carmody, and Margaret Lemlin for their sense of community, hard work, dedication and relentlessness in getting things done. We appreciate you.

With Much Respect,
The Rowley Council on Aging

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