West Newbury “Right to Farm” Bylaw Needed – Letter to the Editor

Tuesday February 20, 2024

West Newbury “Right to Farm” Bylaw Needed

Farming in West Newbury holds a wide variety of agriculture from tree growers, beekeepers, vegetable producers, and animal husbandry.
They are large and small to commercial growers to backyard gardens. From chickens and agricultural hobbies, the list is endless. There are no rules and regulations in West Newbury regarding the right to farm. Since and before the Covid pandemic more and more people are engaging in some type of agriculture, there needs to be a “Right to Farm” bylaw (bill) that will protect that right for the farmers and the general public.
We at Laurel Grange invite farmers and anyone interested in preserving any form of agriculture large or small to gather to develop a “Right to Farm” rules and regulation for the people of West Newbury
We invite you to attend the open meeting on March 8th, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall located at 21 Garden Street, West Newbury. Your voice and presence is requested to help make this a success.
We hope to see you at the meeting to make this a success.
Sincerely, Laurel Grange #161

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