Senator Tarr’s Statement on Governor’s Mid-Year FY24 Budget Cuts

Tuesday January 16, 2024

Senator Tarr’s Statement on Governor’s Mid-Year FY24 Budget Cuts

Boston – Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) released the following statement today regarding the Governor’s mid-year budget cuts for Fiscal Year 2024:
“The significant budget cuts announced today by Governor Healey are unfortunate, but necessary steps to reconcile the state budget with both the economic realities facing our state and unsustainable new spending initiatives, such as those relating to the influx of migrants entering the Commonwealth at a cost of millions of dollars monthly.
The necessity of these cuts is a clarion call for all of us in state government to reevaluate and reform the things that continue to drive dramatic increases in state spending, which threaten our fiscal stability and the essential things people depend on from our state.
Simultaneously, we must boldly confront the high costs of living in Massachusetts that have driven thousands of taxpayers to leave, taking with them the revenue that our budgets depend on. We cannot continue the trends of spiking costs and declines in the population of the people needed to support those costs without risking the financial present and future of our state.”

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