Town of Rowley Open Positions

Wednesday February 16, 2022

Rowley – The Town of Rowley’s annual Town election will take place on Tuesday, May 10, 2022. In addition to the 14 seats up for election this year, there are a number of open positions on appointed boards and commissions. Interested candidates are encouraged to call the appropriate department(s) to find out more about the open positions. Contact information for all Town departments is available through the Town’s website (under the Government tab). If you need assistance, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 978-948-2081 or email 

Any registered voter in the Town of Rowley may take out papers as a candidate for the elected positions. Nomination papers are available in the office of the Town Clerk now until March 18, 2022 and are due back with signatures by March 22, 2022. A full election calendar is available on the Town website’s “Election” page (under the Government tab). 

Information on appointed positions is available under the “Board/Committee Vacancies” tab on the homepage of the Town’s website or by visiting Town Hall. Interested individuals should submit a resume and letter of interest to the Board of Selectmen for the appointed positions. 

Open elected positions are: Board of Selectmen (2 seats, 3-year term), Board of Assessors (1 seat, 3-year term), Planning Board (1 seat, 5-year term), Constable (1 seat, 3-year term), Library Trustee (3 seats, 3-year term), Library Trustee (1 seat, 2-year term), School Committee (1 seat, 3-year term), Municipal Light Board (1 seat, 3-year term), Municipal Water Board (1 seat, 3-year term), Shellfish Commissioners (1 seat, 3-year term), Cemetery Commissioners (1 seat, 3-year term).

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