Georgetown Police holiday toy drive

Wednesday December 22, 2021

Photo Courtesy Georgetown Police From left, Chief Donald C. Cudmore, Lt. Scott Hatch, School Resource Officer Taylor Ford, as well as TransCOR employees Brandon McCarter, Mike Hackett, Rob Horn, Heidi Garofalo, and Brittany Bryant with holiday toy donations.

GEORGETOWN —Georgetown  Police School Resource Officer (SRO) Taylor Ford recently organized a successful holiday toy drive with the help of students at Georgetown Middle High School. 

SRO Ford worked with members of the school’s Criminal Justice Club to organize and promote the toy drive, which took place from Dec. 7 to 10. 

Criminal Justice Club members encouraged students to bring in new, unwrapped toys to benefit children who might otherwise go without a gift during the holidays.

A total of 60 gifts were collected and donated to Toys for Tots.

TransCOR, a company that develops custom rugged mobile computer solutions for reliable data retrieval, communications and storage in extreme environments, including police cruisers, also donated toys to the cause. 

“TransCOR is a great partner to the Georgetown Police Department and has donated generously to our programs throughout the years. We are blessed to have them and so many other charitable organizations located here in Georgetown,” Chief Cudmore said.

The Georgetown Police Department wishes to thank all those who participated in the toy drive, especially TransCOR and Heidi Garofalo for their generous donation.

The department also would like to thank Senior Giuliana Gasca, a member of the Criminal Justice Club, who was instrumental in helping to promote the toy drive.

“I am proud of SRO Ford and all of the Criminal Justice Club students for organizing this drive and making a difference for children in need this holiday season,” Chief Cudmore said. 

Toys for Tots was founded by the U.S. Marine Corps in 1947 to donate toys to kids who are less fortunate during the holiday season.

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