Greater Newburyport Village Presents Asian Travelogue

Tuesday December 07, 2021

Although the global pandemic has restricted international travel, here is a chance to experience the culture, history, architecture, and terrain of Bhutan, Cambodia, and

Vietnam through the photography of Greater Newburyport Village member Paula Wright, an experienced world traveler and photographer. Wright, who has travelled to all seven continents, is the featured speaker for the Greater Newburyport Village talk on December 15th at the Newburyport Senior Center. This free talk begins at noon and runs approximately one hour. A complimentary box lunch is available courtesy of the Friends of the Council on Aging and the Greater Newburyport Village. Call the Senior Center at 978 462 0430 to reserve your lunch.

“Each of these countries, “ says Wright, “are exceptionally beautiful and are quite different from each other. Bhutan is mountainous with very rugged terrain. Although a peaceful and traditional country, travel can be quite difficult with only one road that traverses the country. Both Cambodia and Vietnam are much more westernized, however they are still dealing with the ramifications of the war fought there in the 1960’s and 70’s.

Despite years of effort, throughout the country there are still undetected landmines causing the loss of limbs and lives.”

While in Cambodia, Wright had the chance to tour the killing fields instituted by the Khmer Rouge regime and talk with survivors of these horrendous camps. While in Viet Nam she toured the prison where John McCain was held captive. “Not many people know that there is a memorial to John McCain at this prison site. They honor McCain there.” said Wright. Her lecture is fully documented from copious notes taken during her trips as well as her extraordinary photography of people and places.

This is the first of two talks Wright will give for the Greater Newburyport Village. She will follow up in January with a lecture on China, Tibet, and Thailand.

Village Talks are offered by the Greater Newburyport Village for the enrichment of the community; they occur every third Wednesday of the month. Masks are required at the Senior Center.

For more information about Village Talks, check the event calendar at, email, or call 978 206-1821.

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