Coastal Trails Coalition completes several additions to the Coastal Trails Network

Tuesday November 23, 2021

2021 was another great year for the Coastal Trails Coalition (CTC) with the completion of several showcase additions to the Coastal Trails Network.

The CTC celebrated the opening of the 0.2-mile Clipper City Rail Trail connection along the Merrimack River between American Yacht Club and Joppa Park with a brass band and free food from Metzy’s.

The Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Transportation participated in the dedication of the 2.3-mile extension of Salisbury’s Old Eastern Marsh Trail from Mudnock Road north to the New Hampshire border. The project also included a trail bridge over US Route 1 and a connection to the Ghost Trail.

The City of Newburyport completed another 0.1-mile section of the shared use path along Parker Street to make that vital connection safer.

These projects added to our quality of life and brought thousands of new users to the trails to enjoy expanded views of the Merrimack River Harbor and the Great Marsh and to experience Salisbury’s beautiful woodlands.

CTC played a key role in securing federal and state funds to design and build the projects and contributed over $100,000 in CTC funds for trail design and to secure trail easements. 24.4 miles (81%) of our planned 30-mile Network is now in use.

Work on three missing links needed to complete the Network will continue in the coming year:

In Amesbury: development of the Carriagetown Connector between the Riverwalk Trail and the end of the Ghost Trail at Elm Street. CTC made a $15,000 grant to Amesbury for the work needed to secure MassDOT construction funds and also pledged a $20,000 grant as matching funds for a state grant to design and permit the project.

In Newburyport/Newbury: completing the Parker Street shared use path. CTC is working with the two municipalities to move the project forward and recently made a $10,000 grant to the Town of Newbury to help design its section of the path.

Newbury to Georgetown: connecting the Border to Boston (B2B) Trail to the Network. The B2B Trail segment between Byfield and Georgetown is under design by MassDOT and funded for construction. CTC will continue to support that project.

 Consider supporting the Coastal Trails by making a donation the website:

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