Greater Cape Ann Community Collaborative Holds Successful Pop-Up Clinic in Ipswich

Monday August 09, 2021

Assisting at the Greater Cape Ann Community Collaborative pop-up clinic in Ipswich were GCACC members Kerrin Nixon, Hamilton; Kellie Keenan and Erin Kirschner, Essex; Barbara Cole, Vice President, Cole Landscaping, Inc.; and GCACC member Rachel Lee, Hamilton. Also assisting were GCACC member Ruth George, Rockport; and Fatima Gomes, Benefits Advocate at Action, Inc. (Photo Courtesy Greater Cape Ann Community Collaborative)

IPSWICH — The Greater Cape Ann Community Collaborative shares the recent success of a pop-up clinic held in partnership with an Ipswich landscaping company.

Eighteen people — employees of Cole Landscaping in Ipswich and their family members — received either the first dose of Pfizer vaccine, or the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine, at a clinic held on Tuesday, Aug. 3 at the company’s offices on Mitchell Road.

Rachel Lee, Public Health Nurse for the Town of Hamilton and a leader of the Collaborative, met with employees on July 27. Through an interpreter, Lee explained about COVID-19 and how the vaccine works, and answered questions to allay any worries among the employees.

“We know how hard our employees work and taking time off to get vaccinated was not an option for many of them,” said Greg Cole, Owner and President. “Electing to have the pop-up clinic made sure they did not have to choose between getting paid and getting vaccinated.”

“This is a safe environment they trust, and they trust us,” said Barbara Cole, Owner and Vice President of Development. “It is our goal to keep everyone safe from the virus and working. We felt we could make a difference.”

The Collaborative also coordinated with Action, Inc., an Ipswich non-profit. Cole Landscaping employees were given information about English language classes and other services being offered.

The Collaborative will schedule another pop-up clinic at the business. At that clinic, Collaborative staff will administer second doses of Pfizer vaccine, or the Johnson & Johnson single-dose.

“We thank Cole Landscaping for hosting this clinic, which allowed us to give their employees the facts about vaccines, and how important it is to be vaccinated and protect those that they love,” Lee said. “I hope this will encourage others to seek out the vaccine.”

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