Malden – Malden Catholic High School inducted 140 new members into the Brother Gilbert Chapter of the National Honor Society. For the Brother Gilbert Chapter at Malden Catholic, students become academically eligible for membership when after four semesters a cumulative average of 88% has been earned. Students apply through a Faculty Moderator and provide to a five-person Faculty Committee documented evidence of character, leadership and service.
Students who meet NHS scholarship requirements will also have the opportunity to submit information regarding accomplishments in and commitment to service, leadership and character for scholarship consideration.
According to Malden Catholic Principal, Rose Maria Redman, “This has been an extraordinary year for MC and our students have performed well despite the challenges that were presented. We are delighted to have an outstanding group of students at our school who throughout the year have been dedicated to leadership, academic excellence and giving back to our community.”
Local Malden Catholic New National Honor Society Members for 2021 – 2022
Susan Hobart from Ipswich. She is a Junior Inductee in the Class of 2022.
Isabella Paragona from Ipswich. She is a Junior Inductee in the Class of 2022.
Cesare Paglia from Rowley. She is a Junior Inductee in the Class of 2022.