Care Dimensions Celebrates Rowley Hospice Nursing Assistant

Tuesday June 15, 2021

Danvers – In celebration of National Nursing Assistant Week, June 17 – 23, Care Dimensions, the largest hospice and palliative care provider to adults and children in Massachusetts, recognizes Senior Hospice Aide Billie Jean Newhall of Rowley for the outstanding, compassionate care she provides to patients at end of life.

“Our hospice aides are the women and men who live our mission every day to provide gentle, compassionate care and companionship to our patients,” said Care Dimensions President and CEO Patricia Ahern, a nursing veteran for more than 40 years. “While they’re bathing, dressing and providing personal care to patients, they’re also talking and listening to stories, laughing and singing with patients. Our hospice aides are loved by patients and their families for the tender loving care they provide. They remind us, so eloquently in their daily deeds, that the secret to the care of patients is caring for patients.”

Care Dimensions President and CEO Patricia Ahern

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