The Yard Waste Facility will be opened on Tuesday, April 6 this year. It will be open Tuesdays- Saturdays from 7:30 AM -2.30 PM.
To order your resident sticker visit: City of Newburyport
Click on the Online Services button.
Click on Online Payments Center.
Click on Order Now for Yard Waste stickers.
Stickers will be mailed within 3 to 5 business days. You can print a receipt or copy the confirmation number to use as proof of purchase until the sticker arrives.
Landscapers with three or more properties, will need a Landscaper Permit to use the facility. This annual permit (April – December) can be purchased at Newburyport City Hall for $250.
Please call 978-465-4410 for an application.
Leaf Pick-up
Curbside leaf pick-Saturday, May 1 and Saturday, May 15. Bags with materials other than leaves will be left behind. Have leaves in paper leaf bags, or leaves in labeled barrels, out by 7 a.m. Please fold bags over at the top.
Composting Food Scraps
Get your food waste/compostables picked up or do it yourself with a discounted backyard composter. Newburyporters can choose by visiting or to have their food scraps picked up curbside or purchase an Earth Machine ($25 for Newburyport residents only) at the Yard Waste Facility.
For additional information visit: City of Newburyport or call 978-465-4410 Ext.