PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE – Georgetown Planning Board – Mission
In accordance with the provisions of the Town of Georgetown Zoning By-Law, Article XVII, §165-158, Article XVIII, §165-161 and Article XIII, §165-83, the Georgetown Planning Board will hold a public hearing on 13 September 2023, at 7:00 P.M.. for the purpose of providing information, answering questions, and hearing concerns regarding the following Special Permit application, calling for the renewal of the 5-year Special Permit of Healthy Pharms, Inc. d/b/a Mission Dispensary c/o James McMullen, a Registered Marijuana Dispensary (RMD) use within the Medical Marijuana Overly District (MMOD).
Interested persons are invited to participate in the above-cited public hearing, via computer, tablet, smartphone by connecting to the following Zoom Meeting link: John Cashell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:, Meeting ID: 857 8601 7087 One tap mobile 1-(312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 857 8601 7087.
The above-cited remote meeting connection information will be included on the 13 September 2023 meeting agenda, which will be posted on the Town of Georgetown website no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting. Further, the meeting will be broadcast live on the Georgetown Local Access Cable TV Channel 9. Video recordings of this meeting, and all Georgetown Planning Board meetings may be found at, by choosing Cable TV option.
Full and complete copies of the above-cited application and associated materials are available upon request by emailing the Town Planner at or by calling the Planning Office at 978-352-5713. Said application and materials can also be viewed on the Town’s website, within the Planning Board’s webpage. Any person interested in being heard at this hearing should login remotely at the time and place cited above. Please note, written correspondence will be accepted and read into the record of the hearing.
John Cashell
Town Planner for Town of Georgetown