Case # 21.05

Consistent with the Governor’s orders suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law the public may not physically attend this meeting, but every effort will be made to allow the public to view or listen to the meeting in real time. Persons who wish to do so are invited to watch the meeting on Rowley Community Media TV, listen live on the RCM page on the Town’s website at www.townofrowley.net or join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone  by using the link: global.gotomeeting.com or you can also dial in using your phone by calling +1 (408) 650-3123  and using access code 320-832-685.  In the event that live transmission proves infeasible, an audio or video recording, transcript or other comprehensive record of the meeting will be made available on the Town’s website as soon as possible.

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 4pm via remote per the Governor’s COVID-19 Emergency Declaration to act on an application received April 7, 2021 from Cameron Kneeland.  Applicant(s) is requesting a Special Permit for an in-law apartment.  The property is located at 63 Hammond Street in the Central district and is shown on Assessors’ Map 25 Block/Lot 63/4.  


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