
Brighter Smiles: The Daily Grind

Studies have shown a link between teeth grinding, clenching and headaches. There are also links to people who have sleep breathing disorders, and those who take serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRI). Some brand names of these drugs are Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil and...

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ROWLEY BOARD OF HEALTH MULTI-VACCINE CLINIC SEPT. 28th The Rowley Board of Health is sponsoring a vaccination clinic on September 28th , 2023, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at St. Mary’s Church, 202 Main St in Rowley. Vaccines available include Flu, RSV, Pneumonia, TDaP,...

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Brighter Smiles: Dental Sealants

If you have kids, and you take them to the dentist, I am sure you have heard about sealants. Many, if not most dentists recommend dental sealants. A dental sealant is a flowable resin, generally placed on permanent 6 and 12-year molars. It is placed in the grooves on...

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Brighter Smiles: “It’s Just A Cleaning”

This is a phrase we hear far too frequently when patients call to cancel or change their dental hygiene appointments. When the patient is told that there are no open hygiene appointments for 4-6 months, the response is often, “Oh, that’s okay, it’s just a cleaning.”...

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Brighter Smiles: Technology: Not Going Away

I’m sure we all agree that keeping up with technology is not easy. From computers to cell phones to cars, and everything in between, changes take place at lightning speed. No matter what we buy, there is always something right around the corner, or already there, that...

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Complete Healthcare, an Invitation

Many call them alternatives to medical care. I think of them as complementary, which means healthcare services you use in addition to seeing your doctor. That is, I’m glad when my pain patients have seen their doctor to rule out conditions I can’t treat, and I refer...

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Brighter Smiles: You Can’t Rely On Genetics

I attended a continuing education course a while back entitled “Hit Man or Healer?” The course was given by a well-known leader in the dental profession. The basic premise of the course was the notion that we have a lot more science, studies and data available today...

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Brighter Smiles: The Oral-Systemic Link (3/3)

If you missed Part 1 and/or 2 of this series, you can find it at I have been writing the past couple weeks about the growing evidence that links oral and systemic disease, and the need for more collaboration between dentists and physicians. All...

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Brighter Smiles: The Oral-Systemic Link (2/3)

If you missed Part 1 of this series, you can find it at I ended last week with a statement that I have used numerous times before – just because it doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. We keep learning more and more about the link...

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