
Brighter Smiles: Floss First or Brush First?

I have had a few patients ask recently about the order of oral hygiene activities. Does it matter if you brush or floss first, and should this be done before or after breakfast? Based on available research, it seems opinion matters as much as scientific facts. A...

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Brighter Smiles: Does Snoring Keep You Awake?

It is not uncommon for me to get a strange look when I ask a patient about snoring in the dental office. After an explanation about some of the reasons I include this on my medical history form, the patient will often say, “Well, I don’t snore but my spouse (usually...

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Market Street Baptist Grief Care Breakfast June 1st

Market Street Baptist Grief Care Breakfast June 1st Amesbury – Grief Care Breakfast is for those dealing with death of a loved one and will be held on Saturday, June 1 from 9:30 – 11:00 am hosted by the Market Street Baptist Church, 37 Market Street, Amesbury. The...

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Brighter Smiles: Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

This week the topic has nothing to do with dentistry. It is a topic that some will be able to relate to and others may not. It is a topic that some may appreciate and others may criticize. It may be something you have thought about before or maybe have never thought...

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Brighter Smiles: Dentistry in the News – Part 2

Last week I discussed some of the content that was presented in a recent U.S. News & World Report which featured seven pages of information on dentistry. This is a continuation of that. One of the columns in this section of the report entitled, “Guarding Kids’ First...

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Brighter Smiles: Dentistry in the News – Part 1

A recent U.S. News & World Report featured seven pages of information on dentistry. Although I was surprised that most of the information was accurate, as the media often skews the facts to make a point, there were a few things that I felt needed clarification. The...

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Brighter Smiles: Baseball + Teeth = Bad

Baseball season is here. Here’s a lesson about why it’s important to protect your teeth no matter what you are playing. In the spring of 1939, in celebration of the 100th year anniversary of baseball, catcher Joe Sprinz of the Pacific Coast League’s San Francisco...

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Brighter Smiles: Sweet Tooth

Dental caries (cavities, decay) is still very prevalent in today’s society. There are many factors that contribute to dental decay. In addition, there are some people who are more susceptible to decay than others. In a recent article in the Journal of the American...

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Brighter Smiles: It’s a Choice – Part 2

Last week I introduced a couple who had been seeing the same dentist for 30 years and were finally forced to make a change due to the dentist’s retirement. They visited a “new” dentist and were turned off because the dentist recommended significant treatment. Then...

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Brighter Smiles: It’s a Choice – Part 1

People often ask me how I have time to write columns, and how I’ve come up with topics for as long as The Town Common has been around. If you have read my columns over the years, you’ll remember I have discussed that time was one of the barriers keeping people from...

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