
Ask The Dentist

I understand that periodontal disease is a major cause of tooth loss in adults, but is there anything I can do about it? Gum disease—periodontal disease—often progresses slowly, without pain, over a long period of time. This is one reason why it is common among older...

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Ask The Dentist

Liz H: I was recently told by a dentist that I need a root canal, a post, periodontal crown lengthening surgery and a crown. The total cost of treatment is $3500! Do I have any alternatives? That is a difficult question to answer without seeing the specific case, but...

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Ask The Dentist

Isn’t tooth loss inevitable in later years? Today, older adults are keeping their natural teeth longer because of scientific developments and the preventive emphasis in dentistry. This improvement was seen in the results of a survey released by the National Institute...

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Are you Too Comfortable?

This week the topic has nothing to do with dentistry. It is a topic that some will be able to relate to and others may not. It is a topic that some may appreciate and others may criticize. It may be something you have thought about before or maybe have never thought...

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Who is the Ideal Care Giver?

In last week’s column, I wrote about some specific differences between dentists and dental practice philosophies. But, what makes for an ideal doctor, dentist, nurse, physical therapist, or any other care giver? Patients shared their views in a study which appeared in...

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Aren’t All Dentists the Same?

No two dental practices are alike! Each takes on the characteristics of the practitioner and the supporting team. Every office/patient interaction is the key to how that office "feels" when you walk in the door. Some practices may feel "clinical and efficient", while...

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One Thing Leads to Another

Studies have shown a link between teeth grinding, clenching and headaches. There are also links to people who have sleep breathing disorders, and those who take serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRI). Some brand names of these drugs are Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil and...

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In Search of Better Sleep – Part 2

Last week I introduced Part 1 of “In Search of Better Sleep”. For this week’s column to make the most sense, I would encourage you to read that column first. It can be found at In case you don’t have a chance to read it, here is a brief recap: I...

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In Search of Better Sleep – Part 1

Almost ten years ago I took a weekend course at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine entitled "Sleep Dentistry". This was not a course in putting patients to sleep for their dental work. This particular course was an introduction to treating people who had been...

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2022 – The Year For Better Sleep

Happy New Year! As most of us are back from a few extra days off, time marches on and our daily routines are back in full force. One of the things reinforced with me during my short break was how important sleep is.  My body has become accustomed to a certain amount...

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