Ready for Irish Music?

NEWBURYPORT – After the snows of the last few weeks, the Belleville Roots Concert for St. Patrick’s Day is a welcome harbinger of spring. The non-profit organization that supports the maintenance and restoration of the historic Belleville Church buildings is bringing...

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School Left-overs Feed Needy Adults

REGIONAL – If your student does not eat an apple for lunch at school or passes on the chocolate milk and prepared sandwiches, don’t worry, the uneaten food will not go to waste. Thanks to an amazingly successful program run by the First Parish Newbury Food Pantry, the...

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Whittier Tech Shuts Down Four Programs

HAVERHILL – While considering steps to merge with Northern Essex Community College (NECC), Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School's committee voted last week to end or consolidate several underperforming classes for next year, including Design and Visual...

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Jewish Women’s History Month

In celebration of Jewish Women’s History Month, Lappin Foundation, JCCNS, and NSJCC invite the community to Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace, featuring Dr. Melissa R. Klapper, Professor of History and Director of Women’s & Gender Studies at Rowan University....

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HAVERHILL: DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL Alice Quinn has a mystery to solve. By midnight. Christmas Eve. She has to solve the mystery to save her life. Her father has the solution. Trouble is – her father died 30 years ago. That leaves only her mother with the answer. Her...

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Plant Matters

In conversation with Carol Decker of West Newbury Wild and Native (WN2). WN2 encourages people to cultivate ecological landscapes, one yard at a time. Carol became involved with WN2 after moving to West Newbury, retiring from Mass Audubon and meeting Nancy Pau who...

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